Thursday, April 16, 2009

Mea Culpa

I know it's been far too long since my last blog...I've been naughty, spank me. Actually, I've been busy. Those who read this probably know about the museum and the exhibit that opened this week. Movie Stars and the history of them is just about all I have been thinking about for the past few weeks, with no time to really even write about the subject here. Our small museum in the country had a successful exhibit opening...a packed house to see the exhibit, which I think looks pretty good. Big thanks to all those who helped make it happen (it takes a lot more than just this village) Demetre, Joe, Fred, I have to put together the companion booklet.
All the while, the goats still get fed, the eggs get gathered, the bees get checked on the cats and dog get all the petting time I can spare.