Friday, October 24, 2008

The Holidays Are Coming

OK, I've decided there are very few holidays I like. Easter (I don't have to do anything) Passover is great, because I just have to eat a great meal (admittedly after a long service, that in our family we take seriously, but have fun with). Independence Day is great, because I like fireworks! Now, however comes the season of dread...first comes Halloween, costumes, candy, and because of work, a huge event I've been prepping for for the past several days. Christmas and Chanukah are frought with figuring out gifts, sending out cards and far too many obligations. Thanksgiving is cool, if you're reading this, you probably know why, if you don't I'll blog about that later in the season. Then there's Arbor Day...all that schlepping of trees, digging, dirt....oh wait, I live on a farm, I like all that digging and dirt!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Sabrina Vourvoulias said...

I love Thanksgiving -- because it is so centered around food. This year, in addition to all the traditional stuff, I'm thinking of making pumpkin and black bean tamales, and maybe even a batch of apple butter since our trees had a good year. What is on your menu? The fact that you're a chef must mean everyone clamors to eat at your table.