Saturday, October 4, 2008


So while the rest of the world is worried about Sarah palin and Wall Street Bailouts, I've had my head in boxes and boxes of reels of film --- it must be miles of plastic!! Today I picked up over 350 films, almost all silents, as the beginnnings of the film library of the Neversink Valley Area Museum Institute for Early Film Studies. there are some amazing classics, fun comedies, from DW Griffith in 1908 to the early 1930's. I can't wait to set up some projectors and look at these. The non-period pictures are great insights to styles and fashions of the day, all of them them reflect the morals of the period they were filmed in. This is an amazing treasure trove and I feel priviledged to be able to be their keeper for a while. I now must look for opportunities to show them, and more importantly, raise the money for the proper temperature and humidity controlling equipment and monitors. I know how I'm spending the grey days of winter this year!

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